New quick and user friendly HP Multigrey Extra Primers from MAXMEYER®
Increase your bodyshop’s throughput with the new quick and user friendly HP Multigrey Extra Primers from MAXMEYER®
Health & Safety in a bodyshop is a serious subject and not one that should be ignored. As a bodyshop you have a legal responsibility for the health and safety of your employees, of course, and also for anyone else who may be affected by your business and its activities. There are so many laws, directives, and regulations on the subject of health, safety and the environment that understanding them is a task in itself.
Our Health & Safety experts will work closely with you & support your bodyshop to help you understand relevant legislation, examine working practices, and recommend a programme to meet your individual bodyshop needs.
Through 3 simple programmes we can tailor a health & safety solution for you.
This is the first step to understanding what your bodyshop is doing and what it potentially could improve. The programme is a 'Do-It-Yourself' interactive online solution which has all the information, pro forma documents, policies, guidance notes and recording templates you need in order to manage your own fully compliant bodyshop. IRAM, the online solution is an easy to use system which contains 30 interactive H&S elements which you modify to suit your business.
Our Competent Advice programme involves one of our Health & Safety experts working closely with your bodyshop to destroy any H&S myths and simplify the H&S process to give you the confidence to make your own decisions on workplace safety issues.
In addition, this programme involves audits, up to date advice, unlimited telephone support and visits from one of our H&S consultants to develop a practical programme to ensure you are complying with all the steps towards achieving a compliant bodyshop.
Training is a vital aspect of anyone's overall approach towards risk management. Our Training programme is an academy designed to offer a wide range of courses to suit all the implications & responsibilities associated with H&S.
The training academy can deliver courses online, onsite or at training locations throughout the country which cover all aspects of H&S in the automotive industry. In addition, our academy is the only academy to be accredited to deliver the I.O.S.H (Institute of Occupational Health & Safety) course for 'Managing & Working Safely within Automotive Retail'.
To learn more about what our existing customers say please click here.
Brown Brothers Distribution works in partnership with A.C.T (National) Ltd to provide a comprehensive health & safety solution for all your bodyshop needs. For more information click here.