Marketing is sometimes the most overlooked aspect of running a bodyshop business, yet it is just as important as all the rest. Brown Brothers is able to deliver a range of Marketing material which has been designed to help you ultimately win more business. Marketing activity can be split into four areas and please find tool examples:
Looking & understanding what your Bodyshop is good at Example Tool: The SWOT analysis tool supports you in auditing your bodyshop business health by highlighting strengths to exploit new opportunities, and identifying weaknesses to minimise the affects of external threats in the industry.
Identifying which type of customers you want to have Example Tool: The Work Provider Checklist enables you to review and target the types of customers your bodyshop wants to work with.
How to promote your Bodyshop to the customers you want to haveExample Tool: The Selling More to Your Existing Customers tool is a simple process that starts with letting your customers know what products and services you can offer beyond repair and matching them to their individual needs and wants. This tool provides you with 10 tips to help you sell more through the 'upselling' process.
Measure activity to find out how successful you have been Example Tool: The Return on Investment tool will help you work out which marketing activities generate the most work into your bodyshop and their cost effectiveness. It gives you the opportunity to save money and supports working towards a better return on the money you do spend on marketing your bodyshop. In addition to the various tips, techniques & information available, Brown Brothers is able to facilitate bespoke support that meets your individual needs:
'Show Me' – This programme offers dedicated support to meet your specific needs through an individual agreed 90 day programme of support by an experienced Bodyshop Marketing Consultant . The programme is tailored to meets you specific circumstances and delivers improved results by a mix of educating and implementing marketing activities appropriate for your Bodyshop. Depending upon your needs, a typical programme will involve the following steps; Bodyshop business research & mystery shop exercise, Bodyshop 1-2-1 discussion for fact finding, introduction of appropriate tools to be actioned, agreement of action plan to meet needs & lastly on-going measurement & reviews
'Do It For Me' – This programme is where you simply leave it to the experts & it is done for you and can cover a varied range of services across all aspects of marketing your Bodyshop. This is available on a bespoke basis and examples of what is possible include Web site development, e-mail marketing programmes, customer relationship management programmes and business reporting with interpretation into specific action plans.
To find out more about the Brown Brothers Bodyshop Marketing Support solutions, please click here.